July Landscaping tips for the homeowner

As the heat of summer settles in, our gardens and outdoor spaces require special care to thrive. July is a crucial month for landscaping, where thoughtful maintenance can ensure your yard remains in good condition throughout the season. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, here are some essential tips to enhance and preserve your outdoor space this July:

Hydration is Key

With the summer sun blazing down, watering becomes necessary. Especially if you are located on the front range. Deep, infrequent watering early in the morning or late in the evening helps plants absorb moisture efficiently and minimizes water loss through evaporation. Consider using drip irrigation systems or soaker hoses to deliver water directly to the roots where it's needed most.

Pruning and Deadheading

Keep your plants healthy and blooming by regularly deadheading flowers and pruning bushes. Deadheading your flowers encourages new growth. Trim back overgrown branches and dead material to maintain shape and promote airflow, which helps prevent diseases. NOTE: It is advantageous to allow some species of flowers to go to seed to provide a valuable food source for birds at the end of the season, and to allow seed to self-sow promoting evolution in the garden. We’re always happy to help identify which approach would be best for the species in your landscape.

Mulching for Moisture

Apply a layer of mulch around trees, shrubs, and flower beds to help retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature. Organic mulches (as opposed to rock, stone, or cobble mulches), like bark chips or shredded leaves, also enrich the soil as they decompose, contributing essential nutrients to your plants. Make sure to avoid piling mulch against the trunks of trees or shrubs. 

Weed Control

Stay on top of weeds before they take over your garden beds. Pull weeds regularly, ensuring you remove the roots to prevent regrowth. Applying a thick layer of mulch (2-3”) can also help suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight from reaching weed seeds.

Harvest and Prune Your Veggies and Herbs

If you have a vegetable or herb garden, July is the time for bountiful harvests. Regularly pick ripe produce to encourage continued growth and prevent plants from becoming overcrowded. Prune herbs to keep them bushy and productive throughout the season.

Plan for Fall

Start planning and planting for fall blooms and vegetables. Consider planting late-season annuals like marigolds and pansies for a burst of color as summer fades. Begin preparing beds for fall vegetables such as kale, carrots, and lettuce, ensuring a continuous harvest well into autumn. Here at Habitat Guild, we can help you with your ongoing maintenance needs. Just give us a call! 970-305-4794.

By implementing these July landscaping tips, you'll not only maintain a beautiful outdoor space but also create an environment where plants thrive and flourish. Enjoy the rewards of your efforts as you relax and entertain in your transformed yard throughout the summer months. Happy landscaping!

Based in Fort Collins, Habitat Guild is a full-service, premium landscape company providing design, build, and care services in Northern Colorado. We specialize in the artful craft of naturalized landscapes through an ecological lens.


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